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NeoBux Challenge

Reading Neobux strategy guides and how average people are earning $2000+ a month I'm a bit curious if it's real and worth my time. Not to mention all those ridiculous Neobux banners boasting "I already earned"... (insert ludicrous amount of money$$$)... Yeah right! 

Since it's a new year and I need material for this blog, I thought what better way to waste more time online satisfy my curiosity and possibly earn a few bux online!

I think $2000 a month seems unrealistic from a PTC site! The ugly truth is, most people who join PTC sites barely make money.

One very important part of being able to earn with Neobux is getting referrals. Unfortunately, they are not easy to get... you have to promote, promote, promote... And after all your hard work you still don't get any referrals! 

Thankfully, trying to recruit referrals for Neobux is something I'll not have to struggle with. Neobux has an option to rent referrals and while I must admit renting referrals seems counterproductive,... but I'm optimistic and willing to give this it a try. 

My Neobux challenge is to earn a realistic $100 a month. Let's face it, the site is very popular and I'm thinking there must be real people earning at most $200 to $300 a month.

My first day stats for Neobux...

I'll have updates on my Neobux challenge once a week. Hopefully, by this time next year I'll have made several hundred bux to satisfy my curiosity and hey, maybe I'll even have one of those banners for people to roll their eyes at! 

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