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Funny, Strange and Bizzare Traffic

From funny to the unusual and the downright bizarre websites on traffic exchange sites ...because surfing for traffic doesn't always have to be serious.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm always intrigued and amazed whenever I come across strange sites in traffic exchanges.  Bellow is a small list of funny, odd and strange sites I found while surfing in various traffic exchange sites. Enjoy!

1. Vasectomy Reversal Fund: Found in

2. I will tell you if you are smart or stupid: Found in

3. Sanitary napkins go MLM: Found in

4. ClickBank item OneMinuteHerpesCure Found in

5. Ran up debt on hooker: Found in

Well, let's see, where to start? It all started in childhood. Children can be so mean can't they? I feel I had such a horrible childhood. I was bullied and put through so much torment and heartache from grade school throughout high school. In early grade school 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade it was quite hard to take a shit in school as the boys would always climb up over on the stalls and peer in on you as you tried to go to the bathroom. Then there was my bizarre phobia of bananas at which the mere sight of one causes me to start uncontrollably gagging and vomiting. It was quite hard to get through lunch without having that nasty piece of fruit stuck in my face. High school wasn't much easier. My freshmen year of high school, I was nominated for Freshmen Class Prince for Homecoming purely as a joke. And this all took place at Catholic school. My transfer to public school wasn't all that easier either. I must have a really monotone voice and sound a lot like Ben Stein because I was constantly being harassed by people asking me to do the clear eyes commercial. Add onto that my history of depression, anxiety, and OCD, and you can see how life has been pretty hard. At times, because of my depression, anxiety, and OCD, there have been times I was not able to hold down a steady job. Not to mention my dad has never been around much because he's the main breadwinner in the family. Not that that's a bad thing or a knock on him. He's just always been consumed in work and travelling and has never been really emotionally supportive. I've never really been great with social skills and developing relationships, particularly with women, and have often felt very lonely and craved love/intimacy. I have sexual needs like any normal human being. I think everyone can understand/sympathize with that. Well, anyway, fast forward to 8 months ago. August of 2008. In the midst of my deep loneliness and desire for the affection of a female, I got involved with and fell in love with a hooker(who is addicted to heroin and cocaine)and her boyfriend. I started seeing her several times a week, buying her lots of drugs, cigarettes, food, and taking her on lots of shopping sprees. I even let her and her boyfriend who were homeless move in with me because they were homeless and living in a tent. I felt bad for them and didn't want them living outdoors in the middle of the cold winter and wanted them to have a place to bring their kids. The only problem. I didn't really have the money to be doing this. I was using a credit card. Many, many trips to the ATM for cash advances, many paychecks blown all on the hooker, I even traded some signed sports memorabilia that had a lot of sentimental value to me. I'm not sure hot to define what I was going through- addiction? impulses? compulsions resulting from my OCD? Crazy Love? who knows? But anyway, I ran up a $15,000 bill on a credit card which I really have no way to pay off. Not to mention, the house I was living in, my dad bought for me. He paid for the house and legally owns it. He wasn't very happy when he found out I was "harboring" a hooker and her boyfriend and her kids and that she was doing drugs in the house and that she and her boyfriend both have criminal records. He kicked me out of my house and I'm now living back at home with my parents on their couch. I'm currently trying to work out my problems with a counselor and start a new job soon, so trying to improve life and get back on track, but I could use some help getting there. Anyways, that's pretty much my fucked up story. Just hoping some of you out there can sympathize, take pity on me, have a big, helping heart, and donate some money to my cause. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and help out

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