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Home » , , , » Annoying Ads

Annoying Ads

Anyone else hate being bombarded with noisy ads while surfing traffic exchanges and paid to sites? It's bad enough landing on audible websites that can't be shut off, but do I have to watch the accompanying video too?
Is annoying your potential customer market a good marketing strategy?

Listening to the same repetitive pitch has to be the worst type of promotion technique in my opinion. 

Video ads become increasingly annoying the way they are forced upon you while surfing traffic exchanges! Why use annoying advertising to push people to buy? This is just plain irritating, like scraping nails across a chalkboard! 

Sound & video clips can enhance a website, but there are far more cases where it's annoying.

Auto-blasting video ads in your face is annoying and no one wants to watch or listen to repetitive in your face advertising... that's why people today have Tivo's.

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2 comments for "Annoying Ads"

  1. The worst thing is when you have several tabs open, You have to look through several tabs just to FIND the stupid thing!

  2. Yup,.. I've been there too... having several tabs open trying to find the noise thing while trying not to go insane, LOL! Thanks for leaving a comment.

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