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Home » , , » 3 Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Safelist Emails!

3 Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Safelist Emails!

Safelists, if used wisely, can drive massive amounts of traffic directly to anything you promote. However, you have mere seconds to capture the attention of your visitors. Here are 3 reasons why I don't read your safelist emails...

#1 Your Subject line...It's not interesting 

Thanks to the internet's great speed, I have the attention span of a 5 year old and get bored too quickly! If your subject line is not interesting I will move on to something that will spark my interest (like watching cat videos or reading the latest celebrity gossip). Kidding!

#2 Your Subject line is a complete turn off!

People aren't generally reading safelist emails with a credit card in their hand. So chances are I will not open your email if you're trying to sell me something in the subject line:...

#3 Your Message is too long!

As a member of 12 safelists, I have well over 100,000 emails in my account right now! If I open your email and it looks like a 10 page scientific journal enigma, I'm not going to read it! 

It would be better to capture my limited attention with a simple email like so...

Subject:  Pick Up Your No Cost Safelist Membership

Quick, sign up and score X amount of credits! For a variety of ways to earn cash & credits click here now!

If that doesn't work, you can always send me the latest celebrity gossip or cat video! Hope you enjoyed these tips.

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