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While clicking ads at Probux I spotted Scarlett Johansson on a matrix site called

So, I'm happy to announce that I finally earned enough to afford my first 3 referrals at Neobux. Earlier today, I had approximately $1.68 before I rented referrals. 

If I can afford to, I'll purchase 3 more referrals next week. 

Unfortunately, I had no luck getting referrals on my own for Neobux, even after posting an ad on CraigsList! The good news is I almost have enough to rent my first 3 referrals and I'm looking forward to it. I'm fairly certain I should make it to $1.50 in the next 2 or 3 days. As of right now I have $1.47.

Peirs Morgan, blinkered old bat and probably liked in the UK more than in the US... My personal opinion aside, I found a rather spiffing look-alike while surfing MarijuanaHits.

I'm not exactly sure what the website is about???... but, the stock photo of the man is a pretty good resemblance of a young Pierce Morgan look-alike I think..

Stodgy old coot Piers Morgan           Piers Morgan Look-Alike

More importantly, I was quite impressed when I googled "Piers Morgan Wife"...
My Top 3 Paid To Surf Sites
(Traffic Exchange)

#1. Online and paying members since 2003 with over 780,000 registered members. The 3 highest cashouts ever made at EasyHits4U are: $155, $135 and $100. 

You will receive $0.30¢. for every 1000 viewed sites and $0.10 for every person you refer who surfs at least 100 sites.  While surfing, look for the bonus page at 25/50/250 for rewards of credits or cash.

Payouts are made with PayPal or Payza and are normally done within 5-7 business days after a request has been sent.

#2. HitBandit. Online since 2007. HitBandit is different in a unique way. A traffic exchange and paid to click that lets you sell your earned credits. Top 3 payouts ever made at HitBandit are: $72.50, $62.50, $60.73 and all were made within 24 hours of request!

You can sell your credits, banner immpresions, and text ad impressions. You get to choose the amount to sell your credits for. 

Surf for credits and every so often you get a bonus page with a slot machine. You can win credits, banner impressions, text ad impressions, cash or entries to the weekly and monthly jackpot. 


The minimum payout is $7.00. They pay with PayPal and Payza.

#3. VastHits online since 2011. 

You get paid $0.30 for every 1000 sites viewed.

You get paid directly to your PayPal once you reach $10.00.

All 3 traffic exchanges will deliver traffic and make you a little chump change while you surf, however, if you want to make serious cash you need a system that creates cash flow with traffic exchanges. 

Check out this free guide on how to surf for serious Dollars$$$

While doing my ptc ads I like to multitask, (play games, read celebrity gossip...kidding!) however, there are some sites like Clixsense and Neobux that don't allow you to leave their site until the ad timer runs out.

Since I have the attention span of a two year old and I can't leave Clixsense until the ad timer runs out, my mind tends to wander... and I spot a banner with a celebrity look-alike of actor Noah Wyle.

Noah Wyle

Clixsense stock banner celebrity look-alike

I think it's a pretty good resemblance and who knows, maybe it really is Noah Wyle on the Clixsense banner!

Week 2 since joining Neobux and I now have.92 cents. I'm still trying to make it to $1.50 so I can rent my first 3 referrals, but it's really going slow. 

I think it's quite hard to get direct referrals, since most PTClickers already know about Neobux. To speed my earnings up a little I'm going to try putting an ad on Craigslist and other classifieds sites. 

While clicking ads on HotListMailer I found this gem...

Never has a video so accurately summed up why I surf with the mute button on.


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